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International Day of Remembrance of Victims of Slavery

Communications for International Day of Remembrance of Victims of Slavery

[International Day of Remembrance of Victims of Slavery]

Hi everyone,

Saturday, March 25, is International Day of Remembrance of Victims of Slavery. This is a day for reflection in honour of those who suffered and died as a result of slavery. It also raises awareness about issues surrounding racism.

If you are interested in giving back, this article from New York Magazine has some excellent suggestions on how you can donate or even volunteer your time.

We encourage you to watch this short video from Dr. Natalia Kanem.

Please feel free to share any insights.

Every year on March 25, the world celebrates the International Day of Remembrance of Slavery Victims in honour of those who suffered and died as a result of slavery.

It was first observed in 2008 and the day also aims to raise awareness about issues surrounding racism.

How to observe International Day of Remembrance of Victims of Slavery

  • An Educational Approach: Engaging employees with educational material is an excellent way to respectfully acknowledge an observance and open the door to a constructive conversation. When learning about a culture, religion or event, you expand your window of tolerance and adopt a more inclusive mindset.

  • Donations and Fundraising: Donating and fundraising to Black community organizations will both show the company’s aid and support, as well as a sense of gratification that comes from giving back to the community. By donating or organizing fundraisers to support racial justice, employees will feel proud to be a part of a team that is committed to making a difference, which fosters a productive and positive work culture as a result. Click here for a great list of organizations that need financial support. 

March 25


March 26

Purple Day