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Pansexual Pride Day

December 8 celebrates Pansexual Pride Day. Pansexual means that someone can feel an attraction to anyone, including individuals who do not identify as a specific gender.

It is represented by the pink, yellow, and blue flag (as pictured). The pink stripe represents attraction to female-identified people. The blue represents attraction to male identified people, and the yellow stripe represents non-binary attraction.

How to Observe Pansexual Pride Day in the Workplace

  • Dismantle bias: Helping dismantle any biases that people may have regarding pansexuality, just as you would for bisexuality. This will help people who identify as pansexual feel welcomed and reduce the notion that they are “promiscuous” or “greedy.”

  • Educate: There is a video on Pansexual Pride Day that can be used to learn more about the pansexual community. To learn more about different sexualities, read our article “What are the Different Sexualities?”.

Communication Template for Pansexual Pride Day

[Subject: Pansexual Pride Day]

Hi everyone,

We want to acknowledge the awareness day of Pansexual Pride Day, which is celebrated on December 8.

Pansexual means that someone can feel an attraction to anyone, including individuals who do not identify as a specific gender. It is represented by the pink, yellow, and blue flag. The pink stripe represents attraction to female-identified people. The blue represents attraction to male-identified people, and the yellow stripe represents non-binary attraction.

We encourage you to read this article LGBTQ+ Voices: Learning from Lived Experiences which can give great insight into people who have different identities to yours.

Please feel free to share any insights.

Thank you,


December 8

Bodhi Day

December 10

International Human Rights Day