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Christmas is an annual holiday that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ and is celebrated around the world on December 25.

Christmas has become a globalized holiday, but it’s essential to remember that not everyone observes the same holidays.

How to Observe Christmas at the Workplace

  • Be mindful that not everyone celebrates Christmas: Although Christmas is very globalized many people do not celebrate it. Christmas time can be a very joyous time for some. Still, for others, it can be a challenging time because it can be a burden financially or emotionally for those who don’t feel a sense of family or who have recently lost someone. Do not make Holiday related events mandatory for your staff.

  • Mindful of language use: Instead of wishing your coworker a “Merry Christmas,” try using the phrase “Happy Holidays” to promote inclusivity of religion and other celebrations.

  • Mindful of decorations: Decorating the workplace is a great way to spread joy, but it is important to be mindful of the decorations you include in your diverse workplace.

(A Brief) Communications Template for Christmas

[Subject: Holidays]

Hello everyone,

As we go on break for the holidays, we wanted to wish you all Happy Holidays! Regardless of what you celebrate, we hope you are all safe and happy!

Thank you all for being a part of [Company Name] and for all the great work you have done.


December 14


December 26
