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World Down Syndrome Day

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World Down Syndrome Day Communications Template

[Subject: World Down Syndrome Day]

Hello all,

Today is World Down Syndrome Day. It was marked to raise awareness about Down Syndrome. On this day, activities and events are organized throughout the world to raise public awareness and create a global voice advocating for the rights, inclusion and well being of people with Down syndrome.

Did you know: Down syndrome is marked by intellectual and physical disabilities due to the triplication of chromosome 21. Approximately 1 in 800 babies are born with Down syndrome each year.

We encourage you all today to learn something new. Here are some resources to get you started:

“When you judge someone based on their diagnosis you miss out on their abilities, beauty, and uniqueness.”


World Down Syndrome Day is marked every year on March 21st, to create awareness about Down Syndrome.

On this day, activities and events are organized throughout the world to raise public awareness and create a global voice advocating for the rights, inclusion and well being of people with Down syndrome.

The date for World Down Syndrome Day, the 21st day of the 3rd month, was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication of the 21st chromosome, which is the cause of Down syndrome.

Recognizing World Down Syndrome Day in your workplace is a great way to raise public awareness, promote inclusivity, and support the wellbeing of those living with Down Syndrome.

How to Observe World Down Syndrome Day in the Workplace:

  • Provide a Routine: Employees with Down syndrome tend to be more comfortable with the structure of a routine. Routines can help employees understand what is expected of them in specific environments and situations. For employees with Down syndrome or with other additional needs, routines can also be a way to develop new skills and will help reduce anxiety. It is beneficial to provide employees with an organized, descriptive schedule, which involves setting deadlines, understanding hours of operation, break times, meeting times and holidays. If possible, it is best to give the employee advanced notice of any upcoming change in routine to give them time to adjust their expectations. 

  • Listen to specific needs: Getting to know your employees is the foundation of an effective workplace relationship. It can allow employees with disabilities to feel valued, heard, and creates a feeling of trust within the workplace. By tending to  specific needs and by addressing barriers, accommodations will create better access to learning opportunities and employment success for employees with disabilities. 

  • Encourage Inclusion: Participation in staff events help to integrate employees with Down syndrome within the workplace. Including employees of all abilities validates their standing within the company, fosters friendships, and makes everyone feel valued and appreciated. When organizing staff events, make sure that every aspect is inclusive and accessible for everyone to maximize employee participation. 

💡 CHECK OUT: CultureAlly’s Neurodiversity Training for the Workplace

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