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Current U.S. Events and How to Support Your Employees

by Mary Qualls

Groundbreaking political, social and cultural events are on the rise in the United States. The majority of the population is overwhelmed with the constant flow of information coming from their phones, computers and TVs. While we cannot control the events around us, we can control the way we react to them. More importantly, we can offer support to those we care about, whether they are friends, family or employees. Keep reading to discover helpful tips for leaders looking to support their employees. 

Coronavirus: The Miracle Vaccine

The novel coronavirus has been running, nay sprinting, across the globe leaving nothing but devastation in its wake. Over 400,000 Americans have passed away due to the virus and its complications. Los Angeles, California is the current “hotspot” with a record breaking one million cases. Coronavirus has destroyed the U.S. economy, costing millions of people their jobs. The recession caused by coronavirus is the worst the U.S. has seen since that of the Great Depression. The good news is that vaccine distribution began at the beginning of January 2021. As of right now, people who are 65 and older can receive the vaccine. For some, the mere prospect of a COVID-free future is not enough. The damage has been done, and Americans are looking to the new administration for leadership and an aggressive plan to rid the country and the world of this virus. 

Insurrection at the Capitol Building

The recent insurrection at the Capitol Building has turned American democracy on its head. On January 6, 2021, a crowd of pro-Trump supporters quickly became rioters as they stormed the Capitol Building. The rioters pushed their way through the front door, scaled the side of the building and smashed various windows to gain entry. While offices were defaced and looted, on one door the words “MURDER THE MEDIA” were written. The unchecked riot resulted in many injuries and a handful of deaths. Rioters are now facing charges of domestic terrorism, seditious conspiracy, insurrection and attempted assassination. 

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter, or BLM, has been around for several years now. But recently, the movement has been ramping up its activity level. After the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, the activist group has taken to the streets, the polls and the hearts of the American people. The movement has affected political change: Minneapolis shifted $8 million away from its police force; Louisville, Kentucky passed ‘Breonna’s Law’ named after Breonna Taylor who was fatally shot eight times by police with a no-knock warrant; and schools are moving to sever ties with their local police force. 

How to Show Your Support as a Leader

Be Mindful

Due to the tempestuous current events of our nation, your employees may be feeling disconnected from their work. They may find themselves feeling unmotivated or unimportant. As their leader, it is imperative to be mindful of these stressors and their effects. The art of mindfulness takes practice, but now is as good a time as any to start. When practicing mindfulness, it is important to channel empathy, not sympathy. This short video, narrated by Brené Brown, explains why empathy is the key to genuine connection. 

Have a Conversation

Whether it’s 1-on-1 or office-wide, having a conversation is a great way to connect or reconnect with your employees. If you’re concerned about the well-being of your employees and would like to have a 1-on-1 conversation, politely ask them if they would be interested in speaking with you in a private but appropriate setting about their current struggle(s). Let them know that your office is a safe space where they can freely communicate the hardships they are enduring without judgement. If you think an office-wide conversation would be beneficial, set a date and time, notify your employees at least a week in advance, and make it optional. It is likely that most of your employees are grappling with similar issues during this time (coronavirus, political unrest, and an unstable economy). 

Create a Workshop

You’ve probably heard the term ‘workshop’ more times than you can count during your professional career. But there’s a reason for that. Workshops are a noteworthy way to problem solve issues and cultivate new ideas to make any operation run smoothly. Workshops can be centered around anxiety and stress management, conflict resolution, effective communication, group development or relaxing activities and pastimes.

Create an Employee Resource Group

Employee resource groups (ERGs) are, you guessed it, employee led! As a leader you may want to suggest the topic and encourage the creation of a particular group or groups. By nature, these groups foster diversity and inclusion in the workplace while increasing employee engagement. ERGs come in all shapes and sizes, encompassing a variety of topics. There may be a group to support people of color (POC) in the workplace or one for stress and anxiety management during COVID-19. Whatever the subject of the group may be, it is an excellent source of support for your employees and suggesting the idea will show that you care about their wellbeing. 

Provide Your Employees with Resources

This may seem painfully obvious but providing your employees with a diverse assortment of resources is of the utmost importance. Be it books, articles, videos, movies or even virtual networking opportunities. If you’re having trouble gathering resources, then you’ve come to the right place. Below you will find a prime selection of, videos, websites and articles for your employees (and you). 




  • – This website is all about driving connectivity. It’s free to sign up, and once you’ve figured out how to navigate the site, you can begin to join groups, sign up for virtual meetings and build your network of like-minded people. This website has a group for everyone, whether you’re looking for an anxiety and depression support group, people who enjoy video games and board games, political activists, or fellow yogis. 

  • – This website offers coronavirus resources for employees and employers. If you have questions about healthcare and financial resources, or need hotline support, this is an excellent resource.

  • Black Lives Matter | Resources – This section of the website is dedicated to helping those affected by police brutality, racial injustice and systemic oppression learn, heal and act. 


Keep Stepping Forward

Sometimes it seems as though the world may spin off its axis. Rest assured that is not the case. No matter the event, or the size of the event, supporting one another is crucial. And now more than ever, your employees look to you as their leader for stability, direction and support. In order to prepare yourself for the tough conversations to come, consider the following steps: educate yourself on the issues of our nation, prepare resources to support your diverse workforce, and reach out to employees and let them know that you are there to support them. And last but not least, be sure to care for yourself and monitor your physical and mental well-being.